The man who predicted the World Trace Center Attacks.. Twice.

On September 11th, 2001, shortly after terror attacks, author, radio show host, and this generation’s truth-telling trailblazer, William Cooper took to the airwaves and began his broadcast. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is William Cooper, Allen Weiner has asked me to take the microphone on this, possibly the worst day in the history of the entire world, for what we are witnessing today is most probably the herald of the, at least, the redefinition of freedom as we know it, and most probably it’s death”

Cooper obviously rattled at the terror unfolding as he watched his T.V screen, had more reason to be concerned than most because he had predicted that such events would happen almost three months prior.

Specifically, William Cooper’s warning of the 911 massacre was that the controllers of the United States would stage a false flag event on American citizen’s, and then blame it on Osama Bin Laden, “And I’m telling you” said Cooper on his June broadcast, “Be prepared for a major attack, but it won’t be Osama Bin Laden, it will be the people behind the New World Order, I can guarantee you with a certainty , They must do something terrible” He went on “I wonder what Osama Bin Laden’s targets are supposed to be, and if this dosn’t materialise in the next two or three weeks, it will enventually materialise, because they havn’t succeded in getting the guns out of the hands of the American people, nor have they succeded in taking our freedoms away”.

The accuracy and potency of this statement is unparalleled by anything said on that day or since, the state of things suggest, that the day will come when Milton William Cooper will no longer be considered as a mere Conspiracy theorist, but as an American hero and lost national treasure, who refused to abanded his country, in her most crucial hour.

William Cooper may be one of America’s greatest heroes, and this story may be the biggest story in the history of the world

Mills Crenshaw Ktalk, salt lake city

 Most people in the “alternative media” credited Cooper for his 911 prediction with that infamous broadcast on June 28th, whilst most of his die-hard listeners who attended his lectures knew one important thing, this man had form! he had already predicted the first attack on the Trade Centre back in 1993. Other predictions he had made also came true, such as the N.A.T.O Invasion of Yugoslavia, the end of the Berlin wall, and the fall of the Soviet Union.

Naturally, he was a thorn in the authorities’ spine. and in July 1998, Cooper was charged with tax evasion. A warrant for his arrest was issued but never executed. As a consequence, he was considered one of America’s major fugitives and became a prime target of the U.S. Marshals Service in the year 2000. The mystery surrounding Cooper’s death has led many into believing it was not accidental, but rather a carefully planned and executed plot to remove an “undesirable element.” Bill had on many occasion predicted his own downfall, and he knew that it that it was only a matter of time, In his final broadcast, on November 5, 2011,  Cooper talked about planning to write a book detailing his tour of duty in Vietnam. He said he was dedicating it to everyone who had served during the war. Later that evening, while he was in his home in Eagar, Arizona, the Apache County Sheriff’s Department paid him a visit. He had been accused of brandishing a gun at a doctor named Scott Hamlin , officers had a warrant for his arrest. However, the officers pulled up in unmarked vehicles, without wearing uniforms, and used trickery to draw him out. Sources claim the officers positioned themselves in a cul-de-sac often frequented by teenagers who would party and leave trash behind. The officers began making a lot of noise and Cooper came out to confront them, believing they were nothing more than drunken juveniles.

The officers would not identify themselves so Cooper threatened to call the police. As he was heading back inside, shots were fired. The outcome saw a police officer being killed, but so was Cooper. Bill is a man that everyone should know about, but few actually do. There should be statues of this man in every town across America! He tried to do the right thing, and it ended up costing him everything.